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PostPosted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 5:54 pm
by upn7t
What do you think of the transit system in London? What about the employees working for LTC? Pros/cons/etcs?

Personally, I think the LTC drivers are over paid for what they do considering they get the same benefits as a London police officer and the transit service only runs until midnight; leaving 2+ hours left for bars to close, leaving people to find a sober ride home or find enough money to cab it back to wherever home may be. If LTC drivers are going to be paid a high amount they should as least do an amount of work that is reasonable, or do their job efficient enough to be on time instead of installing a whole new tracking system for us to determine whether or not they will be on time. IMO - It is ridiculous. What do you think?


PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 7:56 am
by captpln8
Drivers have a hard job putting up with busloads of people criticizing their driving skills.

Put yourselves in their shoes.